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"The historical reality is increasingly a unique reality and must be served by the plurality of knowledge for the growth of a new culture that promotes the dignity and development of every man and woman." These are the words of Pope Francis in a message to the participants of the international meeting of scientists “Science for Peace”

Contact us

For general matters call 268 980 117

Or send an email:

Technical director:
Dr Ana Sofia Chicau Borrego

Service: Mondays from 2pm-4pm by appointment.

Do you need our services as a user of any social response?

It would be a pleasure to talk to you in person. We are at the address:



7160-261 VILA VIÇOSA

Captura de ecrã 2021-07-06, às 12.39.45.png

Dr Maria Elvira Pinheiro da Conceição
Responsible for the Home Support Service - SAD

Service: Monday from 2pm-4pm

D. Maria Florinda Callisto Bilro
Mr. João José Ratado Talhinhas

Hours of Operation - business days:
- Headquarters (Vila Viçosa): 9am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
- S. Romão pole. 9-12.30h and 13.30h
- Daycare: 7.30h - 19h
- Lar S. Romão (visits): 11am-12.30am and 4pm-5.30pm

Nurse Paulo Jorge Rocha Fraústo
Responsible for Lar S. Romão

Contact by phone - 268 969 068

Captura de ecrã 2021-07-05, às 11.14.17.png

Animadora Sociocultural

Carolina Rosado C. Monteiro Belo

Want to be part of our team?

Register at the Institution's headquarters or send an email with your contacts, availability and skills to the Institution's email.

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